January 2005 – Wilbert Cemetery Construction is awarded a subcontract with J. M. Wilkerson, General Contractor for the Veterans Administration, to install 12,000 double depth lawn crypts and 3,200 niches. The subcontract award is $4,992,000. Before the project is complete, change orders will increase crypts to nearly 18,000 and the amount of the subcontract to over $7,000,000. WCC contracts with Atlanta Wilbert to manufacture the crypts. Niches were produced in Parsons, Kansas.
June 9, 2005 – The construction crew relocates to Canton hauling equipment (loader, dozer, rough terrain fork lift, track skid steer and mini excavator). The crew includes Senior Superintendent Home Routh; Pat Routh (Homer’s wife), who operates equipment to number crypts and manages the project paperwork; and, Superintendents Chuck Fugate from Parsons, Kansas and Brent Monk from Oakdale, Louisiana, who were responsible for installing the niches and granite cladding. To complete this project, they will hire local contract labor and bring in other WCC team members to assist with the installation. The crew will remain in Canton for 17 months.
June 13, 2005 – The first double depth lawn crypt is installed. WCC will install a total of 17,954 double depth lawn crypts down the side of a mount. The crypts weigh 4,000 pounds each, are 3′ wide, 7.5′ long and 5′ tall. Each crypt will accommodate two caskets.
June 4, 2006 – Dedication ceremony and official opening of the cemetery. Over 2,000 are expected to be buried at Georgia National Cemetery.
June 15, 2006 – The original contract for 12,000 double depth lawn crypts, 3,200 niches and installation of granite cladding in the committal shelters is completed 92 days ahead of schedule.
October 31, 2006 – The last of the double depth lawn crypts is installed and the crew prepares to return to Parsons, Kansas. They will arrive home, equipment in tow, five days later.
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